Thursday, March 27, 2014

“Eat This, Not That”….A guide to Healthy Eating Choices for Kids

There seems to always be an excuse as to why we give our kids junk foods:  “It’s a special day”, “ it’s somebody’s birthday”,” it’s a holiday”, “ it’s the end of school”, “ it’s the beginning of school”, “it’s the beginning of camp”, ” it’s the middle of camp”…..well, you get the idea.  If you have a fussy eater, the problem becomes magnified…but, whether you have a good eater or a child with picky eating habits, it just makes sense to guide your child to healthy eating habits.  
Check out this list made by the kids and teens of Good Beginnings (our therapy practice) as they delved into improving eating habits:
Eat This….                                                  Instead of This….
Corn or Whole Wheat Tortilla                                  White Flour Tortilla
Cheerios                                                                    Frosted Flakes, or sugared cereals
Make Your Own Popcorn                                         Buttered Popcorn
100% Whole Wheat Bread                                       White or Multigrain Bread
Serving of Chocolate Chips                                      Cake or Cookies
Triscuits and Cheese                                                 Cheez-Its
Hummus                                                                    Mayonnaise Dip
Veggies                                                                      Crackers
Whole Grain Pasta with serving of Cheese               Macaroni and Cheese
Fruit with Dash of Whipped Topping                        Ice Cream
Dried Fruit                                                                 Candy
Serving of Nuts                                                          Granola Bar
Flavored Seltzer                                                         Soda, Juice, or Sports Drink
Home Cooked Dinner                                                Restaurant Meal

I would say these kids are on the right track!  Maybe you could challenge your kids to make their own list!